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AIA & AIA Public Takaful, MPI Generali, Tokio Marine

(4.7 / 5 )
10 Ulasan

Alamat: I work mainly in Selangor region from Subang Jaya, Shah Alam, PJ, KL to Cheras

Pecahan penilaian

5 80%
4 10%
3 10%
2 0%
1 0%

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Licensed Advisor in advising on Biz & Personal Insurance.

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Know Your Insurance Simple. Servicing and managing corporate@personal insurance, advising on the appropriate insurance for their business whether big or small while helping my customers knowing better on their coverage.

Having previously worked in AIA Singapore as Medical Underwriter, I have undergone various departments services such as New Business, Policy Servicing & Claim Department. From there, I understood the way insurance works and the importance of knowing your coverage.

Now coming back to Malaysia with years of internal insurance knowledge along, I am eager to help people understand better their insurance coverage in layman without being too technical.

Certification Earned:
1.Associate, Life Management Institute, ALMI (LOMA) 2014
-Principles of Insurance
-Insurance Company Operations
-Insurance Administration
-Business and Financial Concepts for Insurance Professionals
-Insurance Marketing
2.Associate, Customer Service, ACS (LOMA) 2014

car insurance renewal

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