Prudential Assurance & Takaful
Achieving 2 in 1; Investment ♡ Protection for financial future
Liberty Insurance, Syarikat Takaful Malaysia, Takaful Ikhlas, Prudential Assurance & Takaful
General Insurance + Life Insurance
Prudential Assurance & Takaful
im very self motivated agent, curious of helping my client to give the best among the best of servicing,i just need 1% of your trust, another 99% value from my service, hope we can be friends because you just not only my client, but also my friends,tq.
Prudential Assurance & Takaful
Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai plan takaful, kad perubatan, mltt, hibah dan simpanan boleh hubungi saya
Prudential Assurance & Takaful
Kami bukan along.. bukan juga dari Bukit Beruntong.. Kami bukan tempat tikam nombor mahupun ngangkong.. Kami cuma mahu TOLONG ORANG TAKAFULKAN ORANG =)