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Prudential Assurance & Takaful

(5.0 / 5 )
1 Ulasan

Alamat: Suite 10.03, Level 10, Tower 3 Jaya 33, Seksyen 13 Jalan Semangat 46100 Petaling Jaya

Pecahan penilaian

5 100%
4 0%
3 0%
2 0%
1 0%

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Takaful for all, for life. I'm available in any districts around Selangor.

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"Where there's love, there'll be no trouble and there's always time. Love that makes us stronger, and love that keeps us together."

We bring better life to every family!

car insurance renewal

Buat ulasan Nur Syahidah Binti Mohd Jamil sekarang

Ulasan Pelanggan untuk Nur Syahidah Binti Mohd Jamil