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Alamat: 39B, Jalan Abdul Samad, Kolam Ayer
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Introduction to KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital
Baca lebih lanjut >KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital opened its doors to the public in May 1981, as the first private hospital in Johor. Located on a 5-acre site off Jalan Abdul Samad Johor Bahru, KPJ Johor has a commanding view of the lush sculptured surroundings of Radio Television Malaysia, Johor Bahru.
The Preferred Provider Of Healthcare Services
Deliver Quality Healthcare Services To Our Customers.
Core Values
- Safety
- Courtesy
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Continuous Improvement
The Patient's Rights and Responsibility
Patient's Rights
1. Right to acceptable health care and to be treated with respect and dignity within surrounding of reasonable privacy
2. Right to choice of care, choice of consultant and right to second opinion
3. Right to adequate information regarding care, informed consent and participation in decision making affecting the patient's care.
4. Right to appropriate grievance redress mechanism.
5. Right to a health and safe environment.
Patient's Responsibility
1. Shall cooperate, participate and comply with their medical care.
2. Shall keep appointments and follow up treatment.
3. Shall provide accurate and complete information including use of traditional medicine and shall accept all the responsibility of the patient's own informed decision
4. Has a responsibility to follow the rules and regulations of the hospitals.
5. Shall so conduct himself/herself so as not to interfere with the wellbeing of other patients or providers of healthcare of facilities.
6. Has a responsibility to settle all financial cost and expenses incurred and due or upon demand.