Buat ulasan KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital sekarang
Ulasan Pelanggan untuk KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital
1 year ago
1 year ago
Alamat: 26, Jalan Raja Dihilir
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KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital is known in Perak as one of the premier in providing healthcare services to the community in May 1978. KPJ Ipoh then ISC (Ipoh Specialist Centre) started with 75 beds.
Baca lebih lanjut >In 1989 the takeover of KPJ Ipoh by Johor Corporation, formerly known as Johor State Economic Development Corporation (JSEDC), this led the hospital to greater heights, and now a multi- disciplinary tertiary care hospital that offers many diverse services all in one location, as a one stop centre. KPJ Ipoh was listed in the Main Board of Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) as KPJ Healthcare Berhad in November 1994 together with another sister hospital, Johor Specialist Hospital now KPJ Johor. Till date the hospital has grown in leaps and bounds with 275 beds capacity.